every London school to demonstrate sustainability by 2020
5 Aims
- Support the sustainability champion in every London school
- Improve communication between teachers, NGO’s and other agencies
- Celebrate and embrace London’s unique urban environment and community
- For LSSF to be a sustainable forum itself
- To be fearless, innovative, visionary, challenging, creative and passionate in supporting sustainability, embracing that it can be a disruptive force that involves change
7 Activities
- To have an up to date “Green” contact in every school in London so that we can support them and link them up to similar people close to their school - ALL
- Termly Forum for teachers to meet and inspire each other and to find out about the support available from other organisations - ALL
- Map to illustrate all the great work going on in London schools and collect green contacts for every school in London to allow everyone to get in touch with each other - MC
- Empty Classroom Day – 19th June 2015, to get every pupil in London learning outside the classroom for one day and to demonstrate what can be achieved when we work together - AP
- Story and picture competition with cash prize so that we have a collection of inspiring and real activity ideas and contact names at each school - JW
- To collect recommendation of “what is the most fun green thing you can do in a school” so people can share their best ideas of what other people should do - JH
- To encourage regional groups and be able to provide teachers with contacts who are local to their school