A magical audio-story, created for London Climate Action Week 2020, to launch a sustainable food project.
Humans who are about to become involved...
Mark McKillop, Head of RE, Glebe School Martin Allen Morales, sustainable food expert Malini Mehra, London Climate Action Week Carole Hudson, from Project Peru the UK based charity that links us with the refuge in Peru The young people from Glebe and from the refuge in Lima ...And we expect to work with many more humans as we continue on our magical quest... |
This story has been created for London Climate Action Week during a global pandemic. It is inspired by zoom meetings and by a belief that despite everything there is much hope and magic. The story launches a sustainable food project between two groups of young people: Year 7 students at Glebe School, an SEN school in the London Borough of Bromley and young people in a refuge on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. How will this work
And if this magical story inspires you why not get involved from your own perspective?
And tell us how you get on.
And tell us how you get on.
Start your school's journey into sustainability:
- Outdoor Classroom Day (https://outdoorclassroomday.com/)
- Eco-Schools (https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/)
- London National Park City (https://www.nationalparkcity.london/get-more-involved/get-more-involved-1/schools-network)
- Great resources at Transform Our World (https://www.transform-our-world.org/)
- Find out more about London Sustainable Schools Forum (http://www.londonsustainableschools.org/)